
Reclaimed material is a cornerstone of OFFSITE. We source from various places—demolition sites, manufacturing waste, and used objects—embracing materials with a history. These unique pieces, filled with stories, are vital to the future of design and a sustainable future.

Reclaimed material is limited in supply, offering natural exclusivity. Whether it's 50 old chairs, a tonne of stainless steel parts, or 35 metres of railway wood, every source is finite, creating inherently limited-edition products. Surprisingly, reclaimed pieces are often made from higher-quality materials than new ones. We, and you, benefit from these older, well-made objects—real wood, cast metals. By working with existing materials, we challenge the notion that "they don’t make them like they used to."

Processing reclaimed material can be expensive and complex. Small batch quantities are challenging, as we cannot benefit from spreading costs across an unlimited production run. Therefore, neither can you. Pricing is very important to us, and we strive to offer fair pricing through careful processing.


An important aspect of any design house is creating a vision that tells a story. This requires a fine balance between intention and available materials and skills. Operating a STOCK line gives OFFSITE the freedom to achieve a breadth of designs carrying a vision or idea. The beauty of RECLAIMED and REPAIRED objects is the existing stories they carry. A physical and non-physical patina representing a specific time, place and journey. STOCK material is like working with a blank piece of paper. The references are to build.

STOCK material is available and accessible in a wide variety of standards, and it is processable by our community of makers. Thus, stock is a key driver of our business financially. Most of the time, STOCK (new/virgin) material has lower processing costs than reclaimed material - it is easier to source, process and finish. While we don’t believe that an entire brand line up of STOCK objects is socially, politically, or environmentally appropriate, balancing our RECLAIMED lines with STOCK lines is a suitable balance. When available, and narrative and pricing appropriate, we will prioritise RECLAIMED material over STOCK.


Repair is design. 

A gesture of care and craft. 

Repair challenges throwaway culture. A silent rebellion against disposability. It confronts perfection. Revealing beauty in the authentic life of an object. The art of repair is one of patience and attention. A relationship with quality. Every object requires something different. We learn through this. Fixings and functionality we can apply to our own designs, or apply to the next repair. 

As a furniture company, capable of producing our own designs, we see repair as an acknowledgement of the archive of existing designs. A nod to the foundations of our industry.


A note from Ollee and Joris to you:

At OFFSITE, we explore the future of design and furniture, questioning the role of a design house in culture and what the future holds. While we may not have all the answers, we prioritise community needs, craftsmanship, and sustainable practices. We believe that the spiral economy is a good foundation for sustainable design and business practice. Our objects emphasise materials built to last and designs that foster relationships. Having a relationship with your object, watching it age, sharing a journey is key for us. We draw inspiration and knowledge from the world as our archive.

We founded OFFSITE in the winter of 2023, driven by a shared appreciation for the robust materials, aesthetics, and design principles of the industrial realm. Our brand serves as a conduit for transferring these industrial ideas to the consumer market. By creating durable and long-lasting objects with industrial materials and principles, we aim to bridge the gap between industrial design and everyday use - creating tools for use.

Joris Wintgens
Ollee Means